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H.Y.  Humic Acid Skin Regenerating Soothing and Cooling Spray - 30 ml


A natural cosmetics for skin care. For treatment of the reddened skin the acne the herpes the minor abrasions and insect bites. Humic acids and lysine help to regenerate the skin.



The main ingredient of the product is the alcoholic extract of biologically active humic acid that is formed during the thousands of years humifi cation process of the plant biomass.


Application: Spray the product on the skin from 5-10 cm distance. Can be applied several times in a day. The product may cause a brownish spot on skin and clothes.


Herpes: stunts the develop of herpes. In case of existing symptoms it shortens recovery time and kills pain.


Burn injuries, sunburn:

Immediately kills pain. Cooling. Speeds up recovery and regeneration of skin without lasting scar area! After sunbathing the sunburned flushed skin quickly gets brawn.


Bee stings and other insect bites:

Through a quick counteraction of toxins and  antiphlogistic effect H.Y. SPRAY stunts the shaping of swelling. Already existing swelling reduces in a few minute. Immediately kills pain and ease itching


Wounds, ulcus, haematoma, contused wound: shortens recovery time without lasting scar area! Applying to open wounds it has antiseptic and pain killing effect (due to the alcohol content of product it may cause a temporary biting feeling)


Mycosis: stunts the spreading of infection and helps recovery.

Pimpled skin: decreases development of acne. Speeds up the dry up of existing acne without lasting scar!


Frostbite: helps and speeds up tissue recuperation and significantly shorten recovery period. The permanently returning and painful frostbite symptoms are preventable.


Thanks to the natural antiphlogistic effect of the product it is suitable  for a quick and efficient handling of pain and inflammation symptoms.


Doesn’t produce allergic symptoms

Side effects are unknown.

No risk of overdosing.

H.Y. Humic Acid Skin Regenerating Spray - 30ml

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